Class Registration v3.0 - Marshall Public Schools
Spanish for Beginners II (in session)
#: 360   ID:    Section: .020  

Are you eager to embark on a journey to learn one of the world's most widely spoken languages? Our Spanish for Beginners course is the perfect starting point for you! Designed with an emphasis on practical communication, this course is specifically tailored to help you build a strong foundation in Spanish that you can immediately put to use in social and everyday situations. It will begin with the fundamentals of the Spanish language, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and essential grammar. You will quickly develop the ability to introduce yourself, ask questions, and engage in simple conversations.

Age Req:
For Adults (18+)
5:30 PM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
3/27/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
4/3/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
4/10/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
4/17/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
4/24/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
5/1/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
5/8/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250
5/15/2024   5:30PM - 6:30PM MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL - A250